Tomatoes from the Mediterranean

Two of the main tomato producing countries are Italy and Egypt.

Ciao tomatoes arrive in your kitchen in perfect condition because they are canned or bottled just a few hours from the harvest. They are precisely checked throughout the production process. This starts in the field where vegetables not complying with the standards are rejected. In the factory, only healthy red tomatoes of consistent size make it through to production. The Ciao philosophy is a combination of human hands and technology, that uses innovation only as a means to make tradition safer.

The tomato plant is native to South America (Peru and Ecuador) and was first domesticated in Mexico. It is one of the world’s major fresh and processed fruits. Tomato was introduced to cultivation in the Middle East around the end of the 18th century. The crop is now by far the largest vegetable crop in Egypt. In 2008, the country ranked 5th in the world with 9.2 MT of tomatoes produced.

Joseph’s Tomato Paste is made from pure Egyptian tomato concentrates known for their excellent flavor and high natural colour without any additives.
